Salzburg (Austria), 2018

Date: 12-13. 06.2018
Title: The Biographical Location of Interreligious Processes in the Life and Works of Raimon Panikkar. (1918–2010) - a Centenary Symposium
Organizer: Catholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universitätsplatz 1, 8020 Salzburg

Tuesday, 12.6.2018

Welcome addresses by
Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Director of the Center for Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winkler, Director of the FWF-Projekt “The Biographical Location of Interreligious Processes“

Introduction by
Dr. Christian Hackbarth-Johnson (FWF-Project “The Biographical Location of IR Processes”), Organizer

Dr. Maciej Bielawski (Verona): On Writing a Biography on Raimon Panikkar
Prof. Dr. Bettina Bäumer (Varanasi): Raimon Panikkar as a Spiritual Guide
Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück (Regensburg, Linz): Raimon Panikkar as Theological Mentor and Friend
Panel Discussion

Wednesday, 13.6.2018

Dr. Renate Kern (München, Duisburg): Raimon Panikkar and Karl Rahner – Spiritual Experience and Theology
Prof. Dr. Joseph Prabhu (Los Angeles): R. Panikkar – A Prophet for an Ecological Age
Adj. Prof. Dr. Jyri Komulainen (Helsinki): Raimon Panikkar’s Cosmotheandrism as Catholicism for the Third Millenium?
Panel Discussion

Raimon Panikkar

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«Com més gosem caminar per nous senders -ha dit-,
més necessitat tenim d’estar arrelats a la pròpia tradició i obert
a les altres, que ens fan adonar que no estem sols i que ens permeten assolir una visió més àmplia de la realitat.»