Firenze (Italia), 2018

Date: June 16
Title: Colloquium: Raimon Panikkar and the East
Place: Fondazione Spadolini, Pian dei Giullari, 139, Florence (Italy)
Organizers: Roberta Capellini (CIRPIT) & Giuseppe Cognetti (Università di Siena)

Roberta Cappellini, "Religion and Dharma and the Future of Times"
Giuseppe Cognetti, "La coscienza storica. Suggestioni panikkariane."
Young-chan Ro, "Panikkar's Cosmotheandric Experience and its Confucian Implication"
Peter Phan, "Raimon Panikkar's Legacy for Catholic Theology"
Gaetano Sabetta, "Raimon Panikkar. The Dharma of Hinduism as Mystical Experience"
Fred Dallmayr, "Sacred Secularity and Prophetism: A Tension in Panikkar's Work?"
Michiko Yusa, "Francis of Assisi, Ramon Llull, Nicholas of Cusa, and Raimon Panikkar: The Tradition of Intrareligious Dialogue"
Milena Carrara, A report on the activities related to Opera Omnia
Joseph Prabhu


Raimon Panikkar

official site

“Writing, to me, is intellectual and spiritual life…
it allows me to ponder deeply the mistery of reality.”